Friday, September 16, 2011

No, David!

We just completed a project based on the books by David Shannon called No, David!, David Gets in Trouble, and David Goes to School
<em>No</em>, <em>David</em>! [Book]<em>David</em> goes to school [<em>Book</em>]<em>David gets in trouble</em> [Book]
Then, we discussed ways to be Peacemakers vs. Peacebreakers.  David is a great example of a peacebreaker.  After that, the students made their own Davids and wrote about how they can be a peacemaker.  These projects turned out so cute, and I was so happy to hear of all the wonderful peacemaker ideas they shared.
Here's one example of a student's David and their peacemaker idea!  Talk with your child about how they can be a peacemaker at home.

Mrs. Sienknecht

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