Friday, August 30, 2013


Each unit of our math curriculum (Everyday Math), there is an Explorations lesson.  In this lesson, the students use math are introduced to a variety of math tools that they will learn to use in the unit or some time this year.  This allows them time to experiment and have free time to discover what is the purpose of the tool.  And, they have fun, too.

Linker Cubes
Base Ten Blocks

The firsts had a blast visiting all the centers and trying out the new tools.  Next job, learn how to use them in math!

Reminder:  Back-to-School Night is scheduled for Tuesday, September 3rd!

Mrs. Sienknecht

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just a Little Test...

I haven't posted here for awhile...Learning new tricks has not been easy for me in the area of technology.  So, let's give the blog another chance.  I'd love for this to be a place where my parents can get a window into Room 12.  My lovely little firsts sometimes have some difficulty bringing home details about their day.  Their brains swim with all sorts of thing and yet, nothing comes out of their mouths except, "I don't remember," or "I don't know." (I have personal experience with this as I have a first of my own this year.)
I will try my best to give you a little glimpse this year.  Hold on to your's going to be an exciting and fun filled year.  I can feel it in my toes!

Catch you soon,
Mrs. Sienknecht